SKSaPA Insists that Consolidation Shouldn't Change Nurses' Pay Conditions

včera 19:24
Bratislava, October 16 (TASR) - The Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (SKSaPA) insists that the consolidation shouldn't change the salary conditions of nurses and that the 'status quo' should be maintained, chamber member Milan Laurinc told TASR following the meeting of SKSaPA representatives with Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) on Wednesday. "He [the minister] said he's doing his best and his aim is to ensure that nurses' and other health workers' salaries aren't affected by the salary consolidation. And we ourselves said that we're in favour of the status quo, that is, to keep the way health-care salary growth was scheduled," stated Laurinc, adding that Sasko declared himself that he can't promise anything yet. The minister began talks with representatives of health-care workers on Monday (October 14). They are to continue during the week. He hopes that they'll find a compromise concerning the draft consolidation measures. He is also discussing the options with Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky (Smer-SD). Health-care workers across the sector reject the proposed consolidation measures in the health-care sector and have called on President Peter Pellegrini not to sign them in their current wording. The head of state declared that the possible signing of the legislation would depend on the government's negotiations with health workers. am/mcs
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