Compromise on Health Workers Found, President to Sign Consolidation Package

dnes 13:57
Bratislava, October 18 (TASR) - President Peter Pellegrini will sign the consolidation package later on Friday, as his condition regarding a compromising solution for health workers has been met. Pellegrini made the announcement in the Presidential Palace jointly with Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) on Friday. He said that the minister managed to negotiate an additional package amounting to over €100 million to increase salaries in the Slovak health-care sector more. "The submission of a proposal for a compromise in the issue of health workers' salaries by the government was a condition for me to sign the consolidation law. This condition was fulfilled for me today, and that's why shortly I decided that I will sign the consolidation package shortly after this meeting," stated the president. According to the president, the package has been negotiated following intensive talks with the Finance Ministry and political talks within the whole governing coalition. The compromising proposal returns the increase in the salaries of nurses and emergency workers to the time before the approval of the consolidation law. "Accepting this compromise by nurses and emergency workers would end any reason for Slovak patients to worry about them leaving health-care facilities," he added. "I personally don't believe that the difference between the amount demanded by the trade unions and the one offered by the government as the growth in doctors' salaries could be a reason for doctors to continue to worry Slovak patients with potential pressure actions and take them hostage," stressed the president. ko/mcs
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