Sasko: Offer of Salary Hikes for Nurses and Midwives Absolutely Fair

včera 17:55
Bratislava, October 20 (TASR) - The offer of salary growth extended to nurses and midwives is absolutely fair, Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) underlined in a video he posted on a social network on Sunday. Sasko reiterated that the nurses and midwives won't see the growth of their salaries slowed down at all. "The offer I'm submitting guarantees that each and every one of you will have exactly the same conditions of salary growth as before the consolidation package was passed," Sasko addressed nurses and midwives in the video. "The entire package that I've managed to negotiate won't apply to nurses and midwives only, but also to paramedics and other health professions." Sasko asked whether the salary growth of almost 10 percent at the times of hard consolidation can be a reason for the continuation of strike activities and pointed out that all these professions will get precisely the same salary hikes as promised back in 2022. On Friday (October 18), the minister announced that the Government is willing to boost financial resources going to the health personnel's salaries by more than €100 million. Nurses and first-responders are to have their originally-promised salary hikes preserved even throughout the consolidation measures, whereas the salaries of doctors could go up by 6.4 percent instead of 3 percent. mf
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