Proportion of People at Risk of Povery Up in 2023, but Still Below EU Average

21. októbra 2024 15:32
Bratislava, October 21 (TASR) - The proportion of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Slovakia increased to 17.6 percent last year, reads the report on the social situation of the Slovak population in 2023, discussed and acknowledged by the parliamentary social affairs committee on Monday. Despite the increase in the number and proportion of people at risk of poverty, Slovakia is still below the EU average, where this indicator amounted to 21.4 percent, stated Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Smer-SD). According to the minister, the indicator significantly grew between the years 2020 and 2023, during the period of pandemic and high inflation. "In 2023 the number of people threatened by poverty reached 943,000. Despite the significant worsening and increase in the number of people at risk of poverty, we remain far below the EU average," said Tomas at the committee session. Tomas pointed to the fact that Slovakia posted a negative demographic development in terms of the number of children born in 2023. "Only 48,627 live children were born last year. This is the lowest figure seen in the history of independent Slovakia, which is a very sad record," added the minister. ko/mcs
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