SNS Praises Decision to Set Up Team to Investigate Management of Pandemic

21. októbra 2024 18:46
Bratislava, October 21 (TASR) - The Slovak National Party (SNS) on Monday praised the decision to establish an investigative team to look into the state's management of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanking Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD), who announced the creation of the team earlier in the day. "We believe that this specialised team will focus on certain matters in cooperation with new Health Minister [Kamil Sasko] and Economy Minister Denisa Sakova. We hope that they will deliver real results to the public regarding who and how was making money from COVID-19 in 2020-22," the party stated. Earlier in the day, the interior minister announced that the Office for the Fight against Organised Crime (UBOK) is setting up an investigative team to look into the state's management of the pandemic. The team will focus on four areas: the allocation of public funds for the establishment of mobile facilities for collecting samples, purchases of medical supplies, the purchase of vaccines, and the reason why the death toll in the country reached 20,000 victims. zel/mcs
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