KDH Expects More Chaos in Gov't Due to SNS Caucus Situation, PS Wants It to Go

22. októbra 2024 20:26
Bratislava, October 22 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) expects nothing but further chaos in the governing coalition in connection with the situation in the Slovak National Party's (SNS) caucus, reads a statement provided to TASR by KDH spokesperson. "The SNS caucus is ceasing to exist due to the insufficient number of its members. The coalition thus won't be able to submit bills on behalf of three caucuses," stated KDH, adding that the governing coalition has thus one more coalition partner. "It's interesting that the three MPs quitting the SNS caucus want to continue to support the coalition, but at the same time they strongly criticise Environment Minister Tomas Taraba (a SNS nominee) and SNS leader Andrej Danko, who are part of it," noted KDH. Opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka criticised there being only quarrelling and chaos in the governing coalition instead of stability and peace. "A hodge-podge is falling apart, [Premier Robert] Fico is looking at it, being engaged only in his personal revenge. As a result of this, the pandemic is being examined concurrently by a conspiracist and the interior minister, Parliament has no leadership and won't have it by Christmas. Doctors are threatening to resign. High cots are falling on the people and the premier is only interested in how to blame the opposition for the assassination attempt on him. Guys, if you are not interested in addressing people's problems instead of solving yourself, go away and announce a snap election. We are ready," stated Simecka. Three lawmakers centred around head of non-parliamentary National Coalition Rudolf Huliak are leaving the SNS caucus. Huliak announced this on Tuesday in Parliament and added that despite this move, the trio will continue to comply with the Government Manifesto and support Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) Cabinet. ko/mcs
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