Premier: We Have Results behind Us after One Year in Office

25. októbra 2024 14:22
Bratislava, October 25 (TASR) - The government has results behind it after its first year in power, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) told a news conference on Friday. The premier views it as extremely important, for example, that the European Commission (EC) has unfrozen €800 million from the Recovery Plan for Slovakia. Among other successes, Fico mentioned changes in penal legislation, in the field of the media, consolidation and measures in the farming sector. Fico also views it as a success that the EC was persuaded that its report on the rule of law in Slovakia was inaccurate. "We managed to reverse the report on the rule of law, as it was untrue and unfair, and the commission had to recognise that, as it was drawn from sources that are not serious when it comes to Slovakia," stated the premier. According to him, the opposition and "liberal and progressive" media tried to put a halt to EU funds for Slovakia by means of this report. Fico also stressed that he himself hasn't completed one year in government yet. "I don't have a full year behind me. You must deduct three months due to an opposition activist who did what he did to me," he said [referring to the assassination attempt that was made on him in May. - ed. note]. ko/df
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