Health Minister Can't Rule Out Doctors Quitting

25. októbra 2024 19:47
Bratislava, October 25 (TASR) - I can't rule out the possibility that doctors will resign by the end of October, however, I'm ready to continue negotiating with them and I hope that they will reconsider their decision, Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) stated following the meeting with representatives of the Doctors Trade Union on Friday, adding that the trade unionists continue to insist on their conditions. "I believe that we'll eventually find that compromise. And in those areas where I'm able to find such a compromise," noted the minister, adding that he offered suggestions on the three fundamental conditions on which the LOZ insists. The minister went on to say that he's ready to seek 90 votes in the House for a constitutional law that would rule out any form of privatisation of state-owned hospitals, and called on the opposition to support such a law. Meanwhile, Sasko added that he'll also review the existing analyses regarding the construction of a hospital at Bratislava's Razsochy area. He still insists on a compromise in terms of doctors' salaries. "It consists in the fact that during a transitional period of two years, salaries will swell by 6.4 percent next year," he said, noting that he's particularly interested that salary increases for nurses and other medical staff remain untouched. However, he stressed that public funds are limited. am/mcs
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