Rasi: Over 44 percent of Firms Think Their Employees Lack Digital Skills

26. októbra 2024 18:24
Bratislava, October 26 (TASR) - More than 44 percent of firms in Slovakia perceive a lack of digital skills among their employees, Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Minister Richard Rasi (Voice-SD) told the 'Digital Skills for a Green Future for Slovakia' conference earlier this week. "The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has been warning for a long time that Slovakia is being influenced significantly by the digital transformation, especially when it comes to the Slovak labour market. The reason for this is that Slovakia has a relatively high proportion of lower-qualified jobs that are threatened by automation," said Rasi. According to Rasi, Slovakia faces one of the most rapid future declines in population at productive age among OECD countries, so increasing employee productivity is becoming extremely important. The minister said that the 'Digital Skills for a Green Future for Slovakia' project responds to the needs of Slovak employers so that they will be able to use new technologies in an effective manner and have the necessary digital and green skills. These will enable them, for example, to optimise processes, cut costs related to energy consumption and waste management, and prepare their employees to better respond to market challenges. "A labour force equipped with skills that are in demand on the labour market will certainly also lead to sustainable growth, increased competitiveness and stronger economic growth," stated Rasi. ko/df/zel
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