Bratislava III and IV Municipal Courts to Be Based in Building on Plynarenska

dnes 11:32
Bratislava, November 5 (TASR) - Bratislava III and IV Municipal Courts will be based in the BBC 1 Plus building on Plynarenska Street in Bratislava, Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD) told a news conference on Tuesday. Susko declared that this decision is the result of a transparent public tender. The building has been purchased because the premises in which the courts are currently based are inadequate. The courts should take over the building by the end of 2025. Thanks to the purchase of the building, the courts will save some €1.9 million each year on rent, said Susko. He also pointed out that when it moves, Bratislava III Municipal Court will be able to cancel its rental of premises on Medena Street in Bratislava, where the Business Register is based. ko/df
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