Tomas: Pensioners to Receive their 13th Pensions by December 20

včera 20:43
Bratislava, December 2 (TASR) - Recipients of any pension will receive their 13th pensions by December 20, Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) said on Monday, adding that the law on the thirteenth pension was adopted this April, calling it the success of the whole governing coalition. "Every pension recipient will get his/her 13th pension by December 20 at the latest, and so before Christmas, along with their regular 12th pensions," said Tomas. The only exception are recipients of Slovak and foreign pensions who haven't worked at least 10 years in Slovakia. Tomas specified that the basic sum of the 13th pension in the case of old-age pensions is €606.30. ko/mcs
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