President's Office Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with Bishops

včera 16:11
Bratislava, December 3 (TASR) - The President's Office signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Slovak Bishops Conference (KBS) on Tuesday, the President Office's communications department told TASR on the same day, adding that it was concluded under the auspices of President Peter Pellegrini. The memorandum includes the introduction of the services of a chaplain at the office. The office specified that the subject of the memorandum is cooperation in the field of special spiritual care for the head of state, employees and invited guests. The communications department added that the chaplain's role will include conducting services in St Barbara's Chapel in the Presidential Palace, providing the opportunity to speak about spiritual matters or the sacrament of penance, and developing a spiritual programme to meet the needs of the office. am/df
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