Progressive Slovakia: Disabled People Invisible to Government

včera 16:48
Bratislava, December 3 (TASR) - On the occasion of Tuesday's International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party lambasted the government for ignoring the disabled. "Over the past year, we have presented several bills that respond directly to the needs of the disabled. These included the right to be constantly accompanied in hospital and the possibility of verifying documents at home," said member of the parliamentary social affairs committee Veronika Veslarova (PS). MP Tina Gazovicova (PS) stated that children with disabilities are often not admitted to schools in their catchment areas, which she believes is against the law. The solution, according to PS, is to allow parents to contact schools three years in advance so that their child's admission can be arranged. The European Union is trying to improve the situation for people with disabilities, said MEP Veronika Cifrova Ostrihonova (PS). "For example, just a few months ago, the European Parliament approved a single European identity card for people with disabilities and a European parking card, which will remove many obstacles across member states," she said. lin/df/am
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