Krajniak: Changes to Tax Bonus Help Neither Slovakia's Demography nor Families

včera 19:57
Bratislava, December 3 (TASR) - Cuts introduced to the tax bonuses on children by the Income Tax Act will help neither Slovakia's demography nor families, as the approved consolidation measures are set to slash the bonus for families with multiple children to zero, opposition lawmakers representing the coalition of 'Slovakia'-For the People-KU declared in response to the passing of 2025 state budget in Parliament on Tuesday. "We'd like to reverse this by restoring the tax bonus specifically for families with three and more children. At the same time, we propose aid for young families, which face increased costs following the birth of a baby," explained KU chair Milan Krajniak. "Cuts to the tax bonus irrespective of the number of children will bear disproportionate impact on larger families. The Government slashed the tax bonus in such a way that parents who earn more than €3,632 together before taxes [monthly] will get nothing, regardless of how many children they have," warned MP Anna Zaborska. "But it makes a great difference whether parents raise one or five children." Zaborska added that KU proposes to cancel any cuts made to the tax bonus for parents with three and more children. mf
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