SUMMARY - Friday, December 6, 2024 - 1 p.m.

6. decembra 2024 13:03
Bratislava, December 6 (TASR) - Parliament is dealing with a report on the fulfilment of tasks of the Military Intelligence Service and a report on the activities of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) in 2023 on Friday, with both proposals being discussed in a classified mode. Bratislava, December 6 (TASR) - A pre-trial judge of Bratislava I Municipal Court released from custody police officers Branislav D. and Robert M. [names abbreviated due to legal reasons], who face charges of obstructing justice, on Friday morning, court spokesman Pavol Adamciak has informed TASR. Bratislava, December 6 (TASR) - Parliamentary defence and security committee chair Richard Gluck (Smer-SD) views changes in functioning of the Slovak armed forces' active reserves, which are being prepared by the Defence Ministry, as a good idea, and he has huge expectations from them. Bratislava, December 6 (TASR) - Opposition MP Juraj Krupa (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS), speaking following a non-public session of the parliamentary defence and security committee on Friday, said that he expects the Defence Ministry to pick Blackhawks from the two bids for helicopters that it has received. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact ko
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