Survey: Almost 63 percent of People Dissatisfied with Direction of Society

včera 15:38
Bratislava, December 15 (TASR) - A total of 62.9 percent of people are dissatisfied with the direction in which Slovak society is heading, while dissatisfaction has increased in particular among voters of the governing Smer-SD and Voice-SD parties, according to a survey called 'How Are You, Slovakia?' that was conducted in December. "The overall level of dissatisfaction with the direction of society is thus close to the level seen before the 2023 election, but still significantly lower than it was in the spring of 2023," stated the authors of the survey. Smer and Voice voters more often stated that society is moving either somewhat or completely in the wrong direction. "The most significant increase in the proportion of respondents dissatisfied with the direction of our society was among Voice-SD party voters," said the authors, adding that the figure increased from 31.3 percent in June to 51.1 percent in December. For Smer-SD voters, there was an increase from 26.6 percent to 33.5 percent. The survey also showed that the fourth government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) has turned out to be just about what was expected by about half of people. Fico's fourth cabinet is worse than expected for 42.9 percent of people. The survey was conducted between December 2-6 on a sample of 1,000 respondents by MNFORCE, Seesame agency in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV). While the data was being collected, Parliament approved the consolidation budget, and the trio of MPs around Rudolf Huliak split away from the coalition. am/df/ko
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