OTS: Declaration: SPP and its partners support the preservation of gas...
17. decembra 2024 12:15
OTS: Declaration: SPP and its partners support the preservation of gas transit through the territory of Ukraine
Bratislava, December 17 (TASR/OTS) - SPP, the largest energy supplier in Slovakia, has long supported the continuation of gas transit through the territory of Ukraine, as it considers it the most advantageous solution for its customers. Therefore, the company actively continues to take appropriate steps in an effort to preserve this transit route.
SPP, in cooperation with other partners, prepared a Declaration on the support of gas transit through the territory of Ukraine. The signatories of this declaration are significant energy suppliers, gas transmission system operators, important trade associations and large industrial customers from Hungary, Austria, Italy and Slovakia.
"The declaration that we have prepared in SPP is intended to support the continuation of gas transit through the territory of Ukraine and the preservation of its gas infrastructure, because it is the most advantageous solution not only for gas consumers in Europe, but also for Ukraine itself. The document is an important voice of the business directly responsible for the energy security and economy of the region, which may suffer significant economic damage in the near future. We will present the declaration to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, so that she has first-hand information about the threat to energy and economic security in our region," said Chairman of the Board and CEO of SPP Vojtech Ferencz.
Using the example of the Slovak Republic, we can calculate that if gas from the east flows to our territory only partially or stops flowing completely, any other alternative will be significantly more expensive.
"If SPP, which has approximately a 65% share of our market, were to lose gas supplies from the east and we would purchase the entire necessary volume from another source and physically transit it to Slovakia, it would cost us an additional 150 million euros. In the case of the entire Slovak market, it would be more than 220 million euros. The difference is mainly caused by transit fees, which will probably increase by next year, while their final amount is still unknown. At the same time, the interruption of natural gas supplies through Ukraine will naturally also result in an increase in its prices on the markets. In addition, if a cold winter comes, this situation can cause a shortage of gas and problems with its supplies throughout Europe," added Vojtech Ferencz.
A possible stoppage of gas transportation supplies through Ukraine may also significantly reduce the revenues of the Eustream subsidiary and lead to irreversible damage to the Ukrainian gas infrastructure.
The text of the declaration is attached to the press release.
The declaration has so far been signed by:
Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s.
eustream, a.s.
MVM Zrt.
Gas Intensive Societa Consortile a.r.l.
The Federation of Austrian Industries (Industriellenvereinigung)
Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (BusinessHungary – MGYOSZ)
National Union of Employers, Slovak republic (Republiková únia zamestnávateľov, Slovenská republika)
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