KUFS Seizes Accounting Records of Companies Testing for COVID in 2020-23
včera 18:02
Bratislava, December 19 (TASR) - Members of Financial Administration's Criminal Office (KUFS) on Thursday seized accounting records from 23 companies that ran COVID-19 mobile testing facilities (MOMs) during the 2020-23 pandemic, Financial Administration spokesperson Daniel Sukup announced on the same day.
The outcome of Thursday's operation is the impounding of a great number of accounting records, invoices and delivery slips dated from 2020-23. "The operation was conducted due to suspicions of tax violations committed in the running of MOMs as well as racketeering with antigen tests," explained the spokesperson.
On Wednesday, the Government deliberated on the report by the Supreme Audit Authority (NKU), which found shortcomings in the financing and running of MOMs in the pandemic period of 2020-23. According to NKU head Lubomir Andrassy, the Public Health Office (UVZ) ordered in late 2023 to delete the data concerning MOMs, which is why crucial information on who operated how many MOMs, how many people were tested and at what cost cannot be assessed. The auditors have already forwarded their findings to the police and the Financial Administration.
In its response, UVZ rejected it has ever ordered the deletion of the data, pointing out that data have been left in the My e-Health database. UVZ also underlined that it never collected data on the financing of MOMs.