Bratislava: Almost 360 Patients Received Emergency Room Care on Christmas Eve

včera 15:22
Bratislava, December 25 (TASR) - Doctors working at Bratislava emergency rooms on this year's Christmas Eve helped hundreds of patients bedevilled by stomach aches, alcohol overindulgence, a bone stuck in the throat, but also a person with serious spine injuries he suffered during a car accident on his way to midnight mass, spokesperson of the Bratislava University Hospital (UNB) Eva Kliska informed TASR on Wednesday. "The doctors treated almost 360 patients," quantified Kliska. Patients were seeking medical aid over various health problems. Most of them were plagued by a stomach aches, five had bones stuck in their throats, whereas 10 patients had gone too far with their drinking and 17 suffered from psychical problems. "However, emergency rooms were also visited by people who, for no apparent reason and without having any difficulties, demanded MR and CT examinations, or a complete blood picture from our health professionals," added Kliska. ko
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