Krupa: Sutaj Estok Has Destabilised Police Corps and Revived Era of Incompetence

2. januára 2025 13:31
Bratislava, January 2 (TASR) - Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) has failed to understand that his task is to guarantee security for the public and internal order in the country, and the police were neither prepared nor trained for the amendments to the Penal Code, opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) MP Juraj Krupa has stated for TASR. "As the minister is busy with everything else but running the ministry, the police are losing thousands of officers, and those who remain are frustrated with the conditions under which they work. Firefighters are also unhappy, and shop owners are complaining about shoplifting. The only one who is happy with himself is the Voice-SD leader, Sutaj Estok. He's rewarded himself for a job well done with trips to Formula 1 races," stated Krupa. According to Krupa, the minister also failed to take responsibility for the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD). Krupa added that the minister preferred to tackle imaginary issues first, while security threats and bomb threats in schools are left without much attention. Krupa added that the actions of Sutaj Estok have destabilised the Police Corps. "The reorganisation and dismantling of NAKA was a step in the wrong direction, and Slovakia has once again returned to an era of not investigating crimes at the highest levels," he said. According to him, the minister has revived an era of nepotism, with incompetent individuals replacing systemic solutions in leading posts. lin/df
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