Ondek: Lack of Employees in Education Sector Solvable through Salary Hikes

4. januára 2025 18:56
Bratislava, January 4 (TASR) - The lack of employees in the education sector could be solved by salary hikes, Education Trade Union head Pavel Ondek has told in an interview for TASR. Ondek views the failure to increase salaries of school staff as the biggest negative of 2024. Meanwhile, he positively evaluates the creation of 40 professional teams at the Education Ministry and the involvement of trade unionists in legislative changes. According to Ondek, negotiations with Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) on salary hikes in the education sector should be held after January 7. "We assume they might be successful. We'll see how the other cabinet members approach it, as the minister is in favour of salary hikes, as well as stabilisation of employees in the education sector," noted Ondek. Ondek also praised compensatory contributions, however, not all the employees in the sector have received them. "They didn't apply to all the staff and we also criticised this in the past. We take it as something that the minister came up with, but, unfortunately, there wasn't enough money to satisfy all the employees in the education sector," stated Ondek. ko
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