Bratislava Airport Handles Flights on Time, Trains Unaffected by Weather So Far

5. januára 2025 19:39
Bratislava, January 5 (TASR) - Flights at Bratislava airport are handled in line with the flight schedule for now, airport spokesperson Veronika Demovicova told TASR in connection with the current weather conditions on Sunday. However, the arrival of the line from London-Stansted airport was delayed due to the unfavourable weather in Great Britain. "This influenced the subsequent departure of the plane," she added. ZSR railway infrastructure owner hasn't registered major problems on the tracks yet. "However, we expect the situation to worsen as a result of the weather and formation of black ice," said ZSR spokesperson Petra Lanikova. ZSSK passenger carrier spokesman Dominik Drevicky has told TASR that the weather hasn't caused a significant number of train delays yet. ZSSK has posted on a social network that the passenger train heading from Nitra to Topolcany is currently 40 minutes late due to the unfavourable weather, while the regional express going from Bratislava-Nove Mesto to Nitra is 30 minutes late. ko
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