SUMMARY - Sunday, January 5, 2025 - 9 p.m.
5. januára 2025 21:00
Bratislava, January 5 (TASR) - Opposition MP Tomas Valasek (Progressive Slovakia/PS) sees three basic problems in the Slovak Army's modernisation under the leadership of Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD): the ministry gives out money to other sectors, Kalinak hasn't set his priorities and chooses suppliers and equipment in an unfortunate manner.
Bratislava, January 5 (TASR) - Saturday's (January 4) forecasts of meteorologists about one of the coldest nights of this winter have come true, especially in Orava and Spis areas. "The temperature at two stations there - Cerveny Klastor (Presov region) and Novot (Zilina region) - fell to minus 19 degrees Celsius," the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU) posted on a social network on Sunday.
Bratislava, January 5 (TASR) - Flights at Bratislava airport are handled in line with the flight schedule for now, airport spokesperson Veronika Demovicova told TASR in connection with the current weather conditions on Sunday.
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