Police Enhance Road Safety Measures Ahead of Traffic Surge
7. januára 2025 9:37
Bratislava, January 7 (TASR) - The police have implemented several measures to increase road safety in the coming period, with more officers deployed on Tuesday to monitor traffic flow, as they expect heavier traffic due to the end of the winter holidays, TASR has learnt from the Police Corps' spokesman Roman Hajek.
"Starting Wednesday (January 8), traffic and railway police officers will intensively monitor problem areas where traffic accidents and violations most frequently occur," Hajek explained.
According to Hajek, individual regional directorates of the police regularly analyse and evaluate the traffic situation in their regions. Based on these analyses and their own findings, they deploy police patrols where it is most needed. He added that the aim of the measures is to increase road safety, reduce the number of accidents and protect the lives and health of all road users.
In addition, on Saturday (January 11), a nationwide special check will also be carried out to enforce the ban on alcohol and other addictive substances before or while driving.