Ziga: Trump's Election Most Important Geopolitical Event of 2024
8. januára 2025 9:52
Bratislava, January 8 (TASR) - House Vice-chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD), who's been tasked with heading Parliament on a temporary basis, views the election of Donald Trump as US president as the most important geopolitical event of 2024.
"The election of President Trump will affect the lives of the whole world for the next four years, as he has a different vision from the previous president and perhaps also a different vision for resolving conflicts around the world," said Ziga in an interview for TASR. According to him, Trump also has a different view of the economic world, i.e. the relationship between the U.S.A. as the largest economy in the world and Europe, China, South America and Russia. His election will also have an impact in terms of security measures, stated Ziga. "If Trump has a different vision of how NATO works from the one his predecessor had, we'll have to react to that in a significant way," he said.
Ziga noted that Europe is losing competitiveness in relation to the rest of the world. "Europe has always been the leader of economic movements, i.e. industry, but that competitive level of Europe is disappearing," stated Ziga, adding that if Europe fails to react to this adequately, there's a risk that it might split.
Ziga opined that the lives of the people of Slovakia is also being significantly influenced by military conflicts, such as the ones in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Gaza Strip. "Other things are determined from this, such as gas supplies, to which our economy must adapt," he said. "If gas doesn't flow from the east, it will have to flow from some other cardinal point, but at different prices. This will affect wallets, and the government will have to respond to it," stated Ziga, adding that military conflicts also have an impact on migration flows.