Danko: Russian Economy Grows Thanks to Western Sanctions, 80% of Firms Stayed

13. januára 2025 20:27
Bratislava, January 13 (TASR) - Thanks to "malevolent politicians and their sanctions against Russia", Russia has been experiencing the greatest development of agriculture, achieved food self-sufficiency and its economy has grown by three percent, House Vice-chair Andrej Danko (SNS) declared after his meeting in Moscow with Russian Vice-premier Denis Manturov on Monday, TASR learnt from SNS spokesperson Zuzana Skopcova on the same day. According to Danko, Manturov confirmed that despite the European sanctions, 80 percent of firms from Western countries continue to run their businesses in Russia. Only about 20 percent of Western firms left and those have been replaced by Chinese companies. Earlier in the day, the Slovak parliamentary delegation held talks with head of Russian Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Danko claimed that both Russian representatives assured him that "the door to the Russian Federation is always open for permanent partners". mf/mcs
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