Police Intervene at Bratislava Secondary School Over Aggressive Woman

15. januára 2025 20:10
Bratislava, January 15 (TASR) - The police intervened in a security incident at a secondary school on Grosslingova Street in Bratislava on Wednesday, where an unknown woman allegedly engaged in a verbal and physical altercation with the school's doorman, prompting the police to initiate criminal proceedings for public disorder, TASR learnt from the spokesman of the Regional Directorate of the Police Corps in Bratislava, Michal Szeiff. According to Szeiff, the police patrol was dispatched to the Bratislava secondary school shortly after 3.30 p.m. following a report of an unknown woman acting in an aggressive manner. "The individual also behaved vulgarly towards others present at the scene, and upon the arrival of the police patrol, her aggressive behaviour was directed towards the officers as well," he specified. Szeiff explained that the police used force against the woman and restricted her personal freedom. "She was then escorted to the police station for further procedures," he added. lin/mcs
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