Gaspar: Only Proposals Approved by Coalition Should Be Included in Session
dnes 18:23
Bratislava, January 16 (TASR) - House Vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) hopes that only proposals agreed upon by the coalition council will be presented at the regular parliamentary session in February, adding that if it turns out the coalition is unable to govern, an early general election may follow, he told the media on Thursday.
Gaspar believes that the coalition will maintain its majority. "The test will be next week when we convene a special session and address the issue of the no-confidence motion in the premier, which means also the government. So, that's the first thing that needs to be resolved, whether or not we actually have 76 [votes]," he stated.
The coalition MP also hopes that there will be no early election and that this will become clear as early as next week. "I believe the opposition called this session precisely to test where we stand, and then an early general election could follow if it turns out that we are unable to govern," he noted.
MP and Slovak National Party (SNS) leader also commented on the special House session to vote on the dismissal of Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD). According to him, Fico desires the opening of this session. "We want to confront the opposition's stances," he stated. Danko also reiterated that he doesn't understand the alliance between opposition MPs Michal Simecka (Progressive Slovakia/PS) and Igor Matovic ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU).