PS to Back Bills in House If Agreement Reached on Date of Snap Election

28. januára 2025 13:43
Bratislava, January 28 (TASR) - The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party is ready to help pass bills in Parliament next week if an agreement is reached on the date of a snap election, PS leader Michal Simecka told a news conference on Tuesday, adding that the decision isn't final yet. "This is premature for now, as there will still be some negotiations, we'll also hold a caucus meeting and we'll see how things look shortly before the session," stated Simecka. According to Simecka, it makes no sense for the opposition to help a government that has lost its majority in Parliament. "There's a need to ask the government whether it's able to govern and adopt laws or not. If it admits that is doesn't have a majority to approve those health-care bills, we are ready to help only to prevent doctors from leaving Slovakia, but let's agree on the date of a snap election," stated the PS leader. The Health Ministry has confirmed for TASR that it is currently drafting the bills that the government agreed to draw up with LOZ in December and intends to submit them at the next House session. Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD), on behalf of the government, signed an agreement on social reconciliation in the health-care sector with LOZ in December 2024. The government committed itself to meeting several demands of the medical trade union within it. The signing of the agreement prevented hospitals from collapsing due to the resignation notices filed by more than 3,300 doctors. Doctors have continued to work in hospitals under certain conditions, and the government is obliged to meet them by the end of February 2025. ko/df
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