Matovic: President Hasn't Invited Us to Round Table and I Wouldn't Go Anyway
29. januára 2025 14:26
Bratislava, January 29 (TASR) - Opposition 'Slovakia' party leader Igor Matovic has not been invited by President Peter Pellegrini to a round-table discussion of parliamentary party leaders, TASR learnt on Wednesday.
Speaking with journalists, Matovic claimed that he wouldn't have gone to the meeting or shook hands with Pellegrini anyway.
"We wouldn't shake hands with him and would never have gone to the meeting in the first place, as it's turned out that Peter Pellegrini is a liar and a cheat, at the very minimum because he goes to congresses of the Voice-SD party in secret and engages in politics," said Matovic, pointing out that the president should be non-partisan.
"We find it a bit embarrassing for anyone to shake hands with him today, despite him being in that post," remarked Matovic about Pellegrini.
President Pellegrini will convene a round table of leaders, chairing three coalition and three opposition parliamentary parties to discuss the foreign affairs orientation of Slovakia. Pellegrini intends to discuss the issue, as, despite the long-standing consensus, foreign affairs policy has become a significant bone of contention in domestic politics.