Gov't Approves Money for Projects in Zamagurie Area and Tasks to Develop It

29. januára 2025 15:25
Cerveny Klastor, January 29 (TASR) - At its away-from-home session in the village of Cerveny Klastor on Wednesday, the government has approved more than €2 million for projects of local authorities and organisations in the districts of Kezmarok and Stara Lubovna (both Presov region). The cabinet also set tasks for individual ministries to contribute to the development of the Zamagurie area. Together with representatives of local authorities and the religious community, the government discussed an analysis of the socio-economic situation and selected problems of Kezmarok and Stara Lubovna districts, as well as proposals for improvement in the social and economic spheres. In the adopted resolutions, the government assigned tasks concerning the development of the area to individual ministers. For example, the government wants to repair the first class road I/66 in the Spisska Bela-Tatranska Kotlina section, address the critical shortage of drinking water in the municipalities of Stara Lubovna district, involve members of Roma communities in the labour market in Stara Lubovna and Kezmarok districts, and promote water and spa tourism in the locality. am/mcs
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