Klub500: Mass Protests Groundless, Slovakia Must Focus on Real Problems (2)

6. februára 2025 13:45
Bratislava, February 6 (TASR) - The Klub 500 business association, which represents businesses with more than 500 employees, rejects as untrue any statements according to which Slovakia is on the path towards leaving the EU, stating that the government's policy has in no way, shape or form been oriented towards such a move, and so it considers mass protests based on this narrative to be unsubstantiated. Klub 500 urged the public to focus the political discussion on the real challenges facing Slovakia, in particular improving the business sector, energy security and strategic economic decisions in the context of growing global uncertainty. "Slovakia as an industrial and export-oriented economy cannot function in an environment of permanent political polarisation and artificially created conflicts. We're part of the EU, which is our vital economic space, and any decision to leave would be an economic catastrophe. Instead of needlessly stirring up fear and organising protests that erode the trust of investors and the stability of business environment, there's a need to focus on bolstering the competitiveness of Slovakia," stated Klub 500 executive director Tibor Gregor in his press release. Risks for Slovak industry and the economy don't come from inside but outside Slovakia, claimed Gregor, pointing to the start of a trade war between the United States and the rest of the world, which might have far-reaching impacts for Slovakia. In combination with soaring energy prices and growing EU regulation, Slovak companies are increasingly finding themselves and their competitiveness stifled. "It is with great concern that we learnt about the change in the stance of Ukraine with respect to gas supplies to Slovakia. As of 2025, Ukraine no longer enables the transit of Russian gas through its territory, and thus endangers the energy security of several countries, including Slovakia. We find it paradoxical that Slovakia belongs among the greatest Ukraine's supporters in terms of GDP ratio and yet, despite that fact, we're still exposed to its unilateral steps that carry grave economic consequences," said Gregor. "Klub 500 welcomes the fact that Prime Minister Robert Fico actively defends the economic interests of Slovakia at the European level and promotes measures aimed to stabilising not only the Slovak but also the European economy. It is important for Slovakia to play an active role in the EU, promote its national interests and support solutions that contribute towards the overall prosperity of the common European market," added the executive director. mf/df
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