Slovakia Travel to Become Member of Swedish Branch of ANTOR Organisation

10. februára 2025 18:23
Bratislava, February 10 (TASR) - National tourism promotion organisation 'Slovakia Travel' will become a member of the Swedish branch of the Association of National Tourist Offices and Representatives (ANTOR) this year, Slovakia Travel's communication department head Zuzana Eliasova announced on Monday. Its role is a more direct exchange of views and experiences between members, support in developing international tourism and deepening mutual cooperation, especially in promoting tourism on the Swedish market. "Slovakia's decision to join the Swedish ANTOR follows the recent opening of Slovakia Travel's representation in Scandinavia and should contribute, among other things, to better awareness of Slovakia as an exceptional tourist destination and promote the Slovak tourism offer on the Swedish market," said Slovakia Travel general director Ivana Vala Magatova. By becoming an ANTOR member, Slovakia Travel wants to strengthen ties with the association's membership base and also increase awareness of Slovakia as an attractive tourist destination. "Slovakia Travel will significantly cooperate with the Swedish partner 'Visit Sweden', which is a marketing organisation commissioned by the Swedish government to promote Sweden and aims to fulfil the vision of Sweden as the world's most sustainable and attractive tourist destination based on innovation by 2030," said head of Slovakia Travel's representation in Scandinavia Daniela Bezakova. In addition to national tourist organisations, the Swedish branch of ANTOR associates foreign embassies and representatives of various agencies operating in Sweden. It has 32 members and is one of the largest ANTOR representations in the world. The parent organisation ANTOR was founded in 1952 in the United Kingdom and aims to promote safe, ethical, sustainable and inspiring global travel for all. ko/mcs
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