'Slovakia': Agriculture Minister Takac's Claims About Cheaper Foodstuffs Lie

dnes 15:04
Bratislava, February 13 (TASR) - Foodstuffs in Slovakia haven't become cheaper, as the Agriculture Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) stated at the beginning of February, instead they have become more expensive, MP Julius Jakab ('Slovakia') stated on Thursday, calling the minister's claims a lie. "I was there in December, I was there in January, I was there a couple of times in February to look at that price development in the same store, the same foodstuffs that Minister Takac chose in December. The result is that Takac's price reduction isn't reduced at all, and his food items in the same store have become even more expensive," Jakab noted. Jakab specified that the same groceries he bought in the same store cost €72 in the first half of January, €73 at the end of January and he currently paid €76 for them. "The reality is that if you stick to the same purchase, the same basket of Minister Takac from December, you will pay even more for it today, even after the reduced VAT on basic foodstuffs," the MP stated. "He [Takac] simply changed his methodology over time to make it cheaper, he started buying completely different products, he suddenly started buying something in discount, he adjusted everything he was getting in his basket to make it seem cheaper, to be able to commit this crime," stated Jakab. lin/mcs
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