Individuals Born in 1967 Able to Retire at Age of 64 Years and One Month

včera 9:52
Bratislava, February 20 (TASR) - People born in 1967 should be eligible for retirement at the age of 64 years and one month, according to a draft decree from the Labour Ministry, published on the legislative website Slov-Lex. The retirement age for insured individuals born before 1967 is 64 years, in line with the Social Insurance Act. The retirement age has again been tied to life expectancy. The principle that individuals born in the same year will have the same general retirement age has been maintained. Women who have raised children will continue to have their retirement age reduced by six months for each child, with a maximum reduction of 18 months. If a woman wasn't involved in raising a child, the reduction in the retirement age will be granted to the man who did so. lin/df
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