PS: Single Travel Ticket Project Overpriced and Incorrectly Set Up

včera 14:16
Bratislava, February 21 (TASR) - When introducing a single travel ticket, there's need first to unify tariffs and only then invest money in developing an application, opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party representatives told a news conference on Friday, adding that the planned application won't resolve the problems currently faced by public transport in Slovakia. Moreover, the solution for the integrated transport system, which should cost €30 million, is highly overpriced, stated PS. "If the single travel ticket is to work, we must mainly unify tariffs, i.e. the prices of all tickets in Slovakia. The [Transport] Ministry has done nothing in this sense. It isn't us who is claiming this but the Value for Money Section, which falls directly under the Transport Ministry," said Martin Pekar of PS. MP Jan Hargas (PS) also questioned the tender related to this project. He views it as problematic, as the ministry set terms that put smaller companies at a disadvantage. He also finds the method used in the tender to be questionable. With regards to the aforementioned doubts, the party has submitted a motion to the Supreme Audit Office to examine the method via which this project was prepared, as well as the method of procurement. Moreover, there is also a risk that the project won't be completed on time, added Hargas. ko/df
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