Eurobarometer Survey: Young Slovaks Most Concerned about High Cost of Living

včera 19:02
Brussels, February 22 (TASR) - As many as 40 percent of young people in the European Union (EU) agree that addressing rising prices and living costs should be the EU's top priority over the next five years, with nearly half (47 percent) of Slovaks aged 16 to 30 expressing concern as well, TASR has learnt from a Eurobarometer survey. The survey was conducted from September 25 to October 3, 2024, with 1,046 participants from Slovakia and 25,863 across the EU. A third of the respondents stated that the EU should focus on the environment and climate change, which they consider to be the second biggest issue, with 32 percent of Slovaks sharing similar concerns. The survey also assessed young people's support for the European Union. About a third of Slovaks agree with the statement "I am a supporter of the EU and the way in which it currently functions," while another third are supporters of the EU but dissatisfied with how it currently operates. A further 21 percent are somewhat sceptical but may change their opinion if the functioning of the EU significantly improved. Overall, only 4 percent of young Slovaks are opposed to the idea of the EU. These results are similar to overall trends observed across the Union. Social media is the main source of information on political and social issues for 42 percent of EU respondents (39 percent in Slovakia) aged 16-30, with television being the second most popular (39 percent). Preference for TV is stronger among those aged 25-30, who also use online news platforms and radio more than younger participants. Those aged 16-18 rely more on social media (45 percent) and trust their friends, family or colleagues for information (29 percent). lin/df/mf
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