Stats: Accommodation Providers Earned €143 mn from Domestic Guests in 4Q24

dnes 11:47
Bratislava, February 24 (TASR) - Tourist accommodation providers in Slovakia reported revenues of €143 million (ex-VAT) from domestic guests in the final quarter of 2024, with revenues going up by 13 percent year-on-year (y-o-y), roughly half the growth rate when compared to the figures between 2022 and 2023, the Slovak Statistics Office reported on Monday. The highest revenues from domestic visitors were recorded by accommodation facilities in Presov, Zilina and Banska Bystrica regions. These three regions made up almost two thirds of total revenues generated by accommodation providers for domestic guests in the monitored period. Accommodation services were provided by 4,623 facilities in Slovakia in the final quarter of last year, 176 more than the year before. A total of 70,000 rooms and 191,000 beds (including camping spots) were available to visitors. The net occupation rate of permanent beds was 23.3 percent, while the figure was 28.5 percent in the case of rooms. All accommodation facilities open for at least one day in the monitored period have been included in these figures. ko/df
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