KBS Head Bober: Most Vulnerable and Innocent Always Pay Price for Fury of War
24. februára 2025 14:24
Bratislava, February 24 (TASR) - The most vulnerable and innocent ones always pay the price for the fury of war, Slovak Bishops Conference (KBS) head Bernard Bober has said on the occasion of the third anniversary of the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
"More than ever before, I'm calling for prayer and repentance, so that everyone by their participation and responsibility will contribute to extinguishing the fire of war," said Bober.
The KBS head believes that dialogue and sincere efforts by all parties involved will break the chain of hatred and evil and "will create space for respect for human life and the much-troubled people of Ukraine".
Bober noted that the Slovak Roman Catholic Church has been involved in helping Ukraine through charity and the efforts of parishes and individual volunteers since the beginning of the war.