PS: They're Also Fighting for Slovakia in Ukraine

dnes 16:49
Bratislava, February 24 (TASR) - The suffering and sacrifice of Ukrainians is immense, leader of the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party Michal Simecka said in response to the third anniversary of the beginning of the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine, adding that nothing can justify the shameful crimes of the Putin regime. "In Ukraine, they are fighting for us too. Because Russia denies international law and the right of smaller countries to independence and sovereignty in general. Because Russia makes no secret of the fact that Slovakia is also an enemy country and that it would prefer the entire European Union (EU) to break up so that Putin can forcefully dismantle one state after another. Only European unity and Ukrainian courage in defending its homeland - which is also the only thing that physically separates us from Russia - prevents him from doing so," he stated. Simecka believes that the government should support the defence of Ukraine and the strength and unity of Europe. "After all, peace, security and prosperity in Europe are our greatest national interest," he added. am/mcs
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