Sutaj Estok: Let's Not Forget, Trump Aims to Make America Great, Not Europe

dnes 19:43
Bratislava, February 24 (TASR) - Supporters and admirers of the new US President should not forget that Donald Trump aims to make the United States great again, a plan that will inevitably come at the expense of Europe, including Slovakia, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok and leader of the coalition Voice-SD party stated in a video on social media on Monday. "Trump wants to protect the United States by imposing tariffs, but these tariffs will directly impact Slovakia and the people employed in our automotive industry," said Sutaj Estok. He added that this could put people in Trnava, Nitra, Zilina or Kosice out of work. "These people, however, don't matter to Trump, as he's focused on protecting his own people," he added. The minister noted that in protecting jobs and Slovakia's national interests, the country doesn't have to stand alone, as Slovakia is a member of the European Union (EU), which remains an economically strong union. According to Sutaj Estok, it's essential that we fight for our interests together. "We just need to finally do what united Europe is supposed to do," he stressed. According to Sutaj Estok, we can take inspiration from the American president, for example, in addressing the climate agenda, from which the USA under Trump is withdrawing. "Let's not come up with nonsense in Europe, like the Green Deal, which is destroying our automotive industry. Let's leave it to the people to decide for themselves what cars they want to drive," said Voice-SD leader. Instead of supporting the conflict in Ukraine and spending on armaments, the minister prefers funding good social policies and health care. "We don't need to admire Trump's effort to make America great when we ourselves can make Europe great, and with it, make our Slovakia great as well," added Sutaj Estok. lin/mcs
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