Takac: EU Funds Allocated for Local Action Groups Not to Be Fully Utilised

dnes 19:23
Bratislava, February 25 (TASR) - European funds allocated for local action groups won't be fully drawn, stated Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD), who attributed it to the politicians who governed Slovakia from 2020 to 2023, particularly opposition MP Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) and former Agriculture Minister Jan Micovsky. "We're aware of the situation that we won't perform a miracle. We don't have a magic wand and can't achieve in one year what should have been done in four years. And it's already evident that not all financial resources for local action groups will be utilised," clarified the agriculture minister. The issue of non-functional local action groups was addressed in the House in 2020 with the participation of then-investment minister Veronika Remisova and agriculture minister Jan Micovsky. "Under their leadership, these local action groups didn't function at all. And there I saw the incompetence of these two politicians, Mrs. Remisova and Mr. Micovsky. They bear full responsibility for the current state of local action groups in terms of fund utilisation and payments," stated Takac. "In 2024, under our leadership, 749 applications totalling more than €20 million were paid out and implemented. This is more than what our predecessors accomplished in the previous four years," Takac said. He added that local action groups focus on resources intended for regional development across Slovakia, with local action groups consisting of municipalities, towns, and business entities. These are projects aimed at developing infrastructure, building and renovating cultural centres, playgrounds, roads, sidewalks, complete infrastructure, and various other initiatives. lin/mcs
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