Sutaj Estok Praises Announced Gendarmerie Corps, Points to Security Threats

včera 20:51
Bratislava, February 25 (TASR) - The announced setting up of the Gendarmerie Corps will further increase security in the country, Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok stated on Tuesday, stressing that it's necessary to respond to illegal migration, terrorism and growing aggression among the population. "Security threats are constantly changing, and what was valid in 2008 when we joined Schengen is far from being valid today," Sutaj Estok wrote on a social network. "The cooperation between the Interior and Defence Ministries will allow us to restore the positions of gendarmes - soldiers who will help the police to maintain order not only at the borders, but also throughout the country," he pointed out, adding that the move is also being praised by the Slovak Towns and Villages Association. The Gendarmerie Corps should assist the police in maintaining public order. It could include soldiers and current or former police officers. The gendarmes could be given powers similar to those of the Police Corps. The new legislation regulates their uniforms, the use of coercive means and the possibility of arresting a person. However, they will be subordinate to the police. The proposal is part of the law on certain measures to increase the country's defence and security resilience, which was approved by the cabinet last week. am/mcs
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