Government Demands That Simecka Disclose Incomes of NGOs with His Relatives
dnes 15:23
Bratislava, February 26 (TASR) - The government is urging opposition leader Michal Simecka to disclose all income of organisations, associations, and other entities in which his family members and close associates hold positions, covering the years 2010 to 2025, as well as the actual use of resources, citing the initiation of enforcement proceedings by EU authorities against the civic association 'Project Forum', where Simecka's mother is the statutory representative, the government stated in Wednesday's statement.
"The government expressed concern over the information that the relevant EU authorities have initiated enforcement proceedings against the Slovak civic association 'Project Forum' and are demanding the return of a grant amounting to nearly €160,000. The reason for the enforcement is the inability to prove how the EU funds were used," the cabinet stated.
The government cabinet claims that the enforcement proceedings have serious reputational consequences for the use of European funds by the non-governmental sector in Slovakia. It described the information as confirmation of the questionable practices of Simecka's family members and close associates in using the funds. "The way in which Simecka's family members and close associates have accessed funds from various grant schemes was the reason for his dismissal from the position of House Vice-chair," said the government.
The government believes it's unacceptable for funds from state or European sources, provided for a charitable purpose, to be misused to influence political competition in Slovakia. "We reject the purposeful defence by MP Simecka, claiming that this is an attack on his family and close associates, as it's widely known what active anti-government activities the father of the MP engages in," the government added in the statement.