President Hasn't Received Any Proposals of Gov't Restructuring from Fico Yet
dnes 18:03
Bratislava, February 26 (TASR) - President Peter Pellegrini still hasn't received any specific proposals from Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) for personnel changes in the government and they haven't yet agreed on the date of their meeting, but as the head of state Pellegrini won't give any ultimatums to Fico, seeing as the Prime Minister must be the first to know whether his government will or won't have enough votes in Parliament at its next session, TASR learnt on Wednesday.
Pellegrini pointed out that the government operates normally and the potential lack of a coalition majority will be manifested only at parliamentary sessions. "As the President, I won't be giving him any ultimatums nor any time restrictions for addressing this sort of temporary crisis of his," he claimed.
Pellegrini added that the restructuring of the government must involve also signatures from a sufficient number of former coalition lawmakers, who need to declare that they're prepared to continue supporting the government and its Manifesto, based on their new deal. "I don't think we should abandon this condition of mine and our joint agreement. For me, it still holds that changes in ministerial posts need to be backed by signatures at least in such a number, so as to enable the Prime Minister to prove that he still commands a parliamentary majority," stated the President.