Stats: Number of Public Transport Passengers Increased by 2.4 percent in Q424

dnes 11:02
Bratislava, February 27 (TASR) - The number of passengers using public transport during the final quarter of 2024 increased by 2.4 percent year-on-year (y-o-y), with nearly 185 million passengers using buses, trains and other forms of public transport, TASR has learnt from the Statistics Office. The overall positive result was primarily driven by a nearly 7-percent increase in public transport passengers and an over 2-percent rise in rail transport. Suburban and long-distance road transport saw a more than 15-percent decline in passenger numbers, however. It has long been the case that nearly 90 percent of passengers who use public transport travel by bus and other means of transport. The overall performance of passenger transport, which also takes into account the distances travelled, was 14.6-percent higher y-o-y in the final quarter. The volume of freight transport in 4Q24 decreased by 7.7 percent y-o-y. This decline was due to lower volumes for road transport, which is the most significant component, and freight volumes decreased for the third consecutive quarter, by 11.6 percent y-o-y. After a long period of growth, rail freight transport also saw a drop, with 1.6 percent less freight transported y-o-y in the final quarter. The overall performance of freight transport, taking into account transport distances, increased by 8.4 percent y-o-y. lin/df
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