President Receives Proposal to Appoint Huliak Sports Minister

dnes 18:08
Bratislava, February 27 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) presented the signatures of four independent legislators centred around Rudolf Huliak to President Peter Pellegrini on Thursday, as evidence that Fico has secured the necessary coalition majority of 76 votes in Parliament to keep the government going. This was confirmed by the President's Office, which added that the Prime Minister's proposal also includes a nomination of Rudolf Huliak to the post of the Minister of Tourism and Sports. Hence, Huliak is set to replace incumbent minister Dusan Keketi (SNS nominee). "In light of this nomination, I will invite Mr. Huliak to the Presidential Palace for personal consultations," claimed Pellegrini, who also drew attention to the need to resolve the almost year-long vacancy at the helm of Parliament. mf/mcs
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