Simecka: Chaos Is to Continue, Prime Minister Concedes

dnes 19:04
Bratislava, February 27 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) conceded on Thursday that the chaos of this coalition will continue, opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka stated in his response to proposed Government personnel changes Fico had submitted to President Peter Pellegrini earlier in the day. The opposition leader pointed out that the Prime Minister had originally planned to garner the support from 79 legislators in Parliament as early as on February 17. "Today, it's February 27 and he finally announced that he barely put together 76 of them. He's thus de facto conceding the chaos will continue and that he controls the narrowest possible majority, which he himself previously used to reject as impossible to govern with," claimed Simecka, adding that early election remains the only real recourse. mf/mcs
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