PS: Huliak's Nomination Reveals Ministry of Sport as Tool for Trading Votes
dnes 13:45
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - The nomination of Rudolf Huliak for the post of Minister of Tourism and Sport only proves that the post is a "job given to facilitate the trading of votes in the event of a coalition collapse," said representatives of the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party at a press conference on Friday in response to the proposed government change and Huliak's appointment.
MP Zuzana Stevulova (PS) stated that Huliak's nomination isn't only a denial of the ambition to support sport and professionally manage the ministry, but also a step taken against the future of Slovakia. "A person like Rudolf Huliak, who makes vulgar remarks, should have no place in a decent society, let alone hold a ministerial post," she said. "What kind of message does this send to young people and their future in Slovakia if the country is to be governed by someone who, in addition to hateful statements that polarise society, also leans towards conspiracy theories?," she added.
MPs David Dej and Viliam Tanko (PS), stated that Huliak lacks the professional qualifications to head the Sport Ministry. "How does he plan to address the current issues that sport is facing, including its funding, infrastructure development and the necessary legislative changes?" asked Dej.
Tanko is convinced that Huliak won't find the necessary systemic solutions for sport. According to him, Huliak's nomination symbolises the current coalition's real attitude toward sport. "It [the coalition] pretends to support it, but the opposite is true. Systemic changes aren't being made, support comes too late, and money is going to the wrong places," he stated.