Sasko Revokes Regulation on Protective Zones in Dudince, No Incinerator There(2)
dnes 15:16
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) has revoked a Health Ministry regulation establishing protective zones for natural healing sources in Dudince (Banska Bystrica region), announcing on social media that the spa town of Dudince remains protected and that no incinerator will be built there.
"I won't allow natural healing sources and spas, which help to treat our patients, to be endangered in any way," said Sasko. According to him, the opposition is focused on finding pseudo-problems and spreading fear instead of working on real solutions.
Kosice-based company Granya planned to build a facility for sorting and recycling mixed municipal and industrial waste and an incinerator for non-recyclable waste in the village of Hontianske Tesare. The construction of the facility was opposed by both the municipality and its residents, as well as representatives from surrounding municipalities, including Dudince.
The Environment Ministry has rejected any discussion about having an incinerator built there and hasn't issued a construction permit.
The Dudince Spa joint-stock company has embraced the statements made by Sasko and Environment Minister Tomas Taraba (SNS nominee). "We're pleased that both ministers have infused the debate on this publicly emotional issue with rationality and calmed the situation," stated the company.